Apple cider vinegar can be considered as the home remedy for acne since it possesses amazing benefits to heal the acne safely, not just from outside your body but also from the inside. It has a good deal of vitamins and also essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, kalium, and so on. You may get it without much of an effort in the local grocery stores.
Its benefits to your skin
a. Apple cider vinegar may make your skin softer and smoother by maintaining a good PH balance on your skin. And the vinegar may also make the skin gleam.
b. It's effective for killing germs that contributes acne and minimizing redness so that it may make the acne less visible.
c. It can give you wonderful cleansing benefits as purifying chemical and strong skin detoxicating agent.
d. Apple cider vinegar has alpha-hydroxy acids that are good to remove and also bring down scaliness.
To use it:
Dip a cotton ball to the vinegar and apply the cotton to your affected skin problem area.
You should dilute the vinegar enough water as it can be unpleasant on some skin types
If you hate the aroma, it's great if used at night before you go to bed and you may wash it off at night
How to heal acne safely from inside the body with the vinegar:
You may take the vinegar solution orally.
If you believe that the acne is worsened by concentrated toxic materials in the body, then it's the greatest alternative for you. It may be used as detoxicating beverage if you drink it. Just mix a couple of tablespoonfuls of apple cider vinegar with about 200 ml of water and drink it slowly. Add honey if you like it. Dilute it further if you can't stand the acidic taste.
You shouldn't use the vinegar if you've highly sensitive skin as the vinegar may irritate the skin.